Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The most common new year's resolutions...

Recently I asked readers to share with me their resolutions for a healthier new year. Turns out nearly all the resolutions fit into just eight categories. That sort of surprised me. And while there are some classic "eat less, exercise more" some of the frequently mentioned topics surprised me a bit.

I am forever drinking gallons of water, but I usually feel as though I'm in the minority. I don't remember seeing a lot of hype around it, so I was surprised to see how many people responded that they wanted to drink more water in the new year. Part of that is probably tied to a desire to consume fewer calories (especially those that are sugary nutritionally 'empty' calories) through a straw.

Reader's Top Eight Resolutions

Drink more water, and fewer empty calories
Get moving: yoga, jogging, walking
If you're already moving, exercise for longer periods of time
Eat breakfast. A healthy breakfast.
Make small changes to your food to painlessly incorporate more veggies and whole grains
Fewer processed foods, less sugar, more home cooking
Avoid workplace food temptations, even if they're convenient and cheap
More sleep and more active relaxation

Join the conversation over on my sister blog: The Skinny Gourmet Reviews and join the conversation: Tell me about your healthier new year's resolution for a chance to win a $100 visa giftcard!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! We should check them at the end of the year to measure progress!


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