's Sites We Love Saveur Magazine has listed The Skinny Gourmet among its "Sites We Love"

I've been having a great time checking out Nashville's high end dining on the cheap thanks to Groupon. Have you tried it yet? Its awesome. I don't know why I ever hesitated.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goals for a healthier new year, and a chance to win $100!

I'm still trying to adjust to life as a Southerner after our move to Nashville last year. One of the biggest adjustments has been the food. Southern folks LOVE their food, and rightfully so: it is delicious. But traditionally it is delicious in that fried, smothered and soaked in sausage kind of way. Which is to say, not so kind on the behind.

Visit my skinny gourmet reviews blog and read my post about a new line of turkey sausage meals, my goals for healthier choices in the new year, and find out how you can enter for a chance to win a $100 visa gift card!

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