Friday, July 30, 2010

Tropical "Grillswith": Grilled donuts with the best caramel sauce you'll ever make

Yeah, that's right. I just did that to you. There you were minding your own business at your computer, you probably thought "what the heck is a grillswith?" and now you are drooling all over your keyboard like a drunken sailor. You might even be babbling a bit. It's okay. The grillswith does that to me too.

I just couldn't resist sharing this photo with you all. It is probably the best example of food porn that I've come up with in a while.

One of the fine folks over at Woman's Day (online) contacted me about submitting a recipe for the oddest thing I've ever grilled. The grillswith was a shoe-in. The recipe for the grillswith, along with my homemade coconut rum caramel sauce should be coming out soon, and I'll post the recipe link then. But until then, I wanted to give you a mental image of what I've been working on...

Update: See the full recipe for my grillswith, along with other unconventional grilled items, in the woman's day article 5 Uncommon Foods to Cook on the Grill.

1 comment:

  1. I love anything with caramel sauce. Drooling profusely! thanks for sharing.


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