Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Darling Aprons for Mother's Day: Your purchase helps an Ethopian Adoptee

"There are 4.5 million orphans in Ethiopia. Help bring one home to her forever family." --Aprons for Beda

Around the world there are thousands and thousands of children without parents, waiting to be loved. Lucky ones make it into orphanages, and even there many of them get by with meager provision and meager human contact. Even those orphanages headed by loving caring workers often find their time and resources stretched beyond limits. For many of these children, getting adopted represents a chance for a dramatically different and better life.

One of my friends recently told me about her friend, who is waiting to adopt a baby in Ethiopia. But the international adoption process is incredibly expensive, so she and her husband have come up with a crafty way to try to raise money to bring their daughter home to them: they are making charming aprons for adults and children, and the proceeds will go to help fund the adoption. The aprons are made by hand by the mother-to-be, and they need to sell 500 aprons to make up the rest of the money they will need to bring their future daughter home to them. Read more about their story on Aprons for Beda

I was so touched by their story I wanted to share it with all of you. Plus these are very sweet little aprons, so I thought it might be a gift just in time for a "mommy and me" mother's day gift.

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