Thursday, August 27, 2009

Arugula salad with goat cheese and summer fruits

I am profoundly sorry, but no picture on this one. I realize it is one of the grave sins of food blogging not to provide a mouthwatering photo. But I was starving for lunch, and those farmer's market peaches were just calling to me. And I've been on such an obsessive arugula kick lately that the salad began to take shape before I knew what was happening and then it just looked so mouthwateringly delicious that, well, I just sort of ate it all before my brain could even process the idea about taking a picture.

Sorry y'all.

But on the other hand, here's a suggestion for a darn tasty salad that celebrates the ripe juiciness of fruits bursting with summer, the bright pepperiness of arugula, and the smooth creamy tang of soft chevre goat cheese.

Arugula salad with goat cheese and summer fruits

Serves 2

Divide between two bowls:
4 ounces arugula, rinsed & patted dry
1/4 cup fresh blueberries
6 strawberries, rinsed & sliced
1 peach, rinsed & sliced
2-3 Tbsp fresh chevre

Drizzle with balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Dig in and drool...

1 comment:

  1. The description alone is making me drool...and I've never even had goat cheese.


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