Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm hosting Presto Pasta Nights next week!

Greetings all. Just wanted to let you know that I will be guest hosting Presto Pasta Nights #98. I will receive entries from Jan 24th (my birthday!) until Jan 29th. The roundup will be posted right here on The Skinny Gourmet on Friday January 30th.

Send your entries to skinnygourmet (AT) gmail (DOT) com and a cc to the originator, Ruth (AT) 4everykitchen (DOT) com.

To share a recipe for a roundup:
1. Write your post and e-mail your permalink to me by Thursday evening so that it can be included in Friday’s roundup. Don’t forget to tell us the name you go by, your blog’s name, and the name of your dish.

2. Be sure to include a link to The Skinny Gourmet and a mention to Ruth of Once Upon a Feast with the words Presto Pasta Nights in the post.

Looking forward to all your tasty entries!


  1. Happy Birthday a day early and thanks a million for hosting next week's Presto Pasta Night. I can't wait!

  2. What a great idea! On the way to the Farmer's Market now to see what I can come up with....

  3. I just found your blog! I love it!


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