Thursday, July 3, 2008

Blogaversary Recap and a Look at SG's Top Content

I tried whispering sweet nothings to it and I got no where. I batted my eyes and winked suggestively, but still nothing. And try as I might, my blog just didn't pick up on the idea that for once I wanted it to cook me dinner. It only seemed like a fair way to celebrate the blogaversary. But as it turns out, I am having a somewhat one-sided yet time-consuming love affair.

I thought about baking a chocolate cake or cupcakes to celebrate, because that evokes a sort of "birthday" theme. I even envisioned them with cute little candles on top. The problem with that is that, as my regular readers will know, I've been on quite the little baking bender lately. And even though I endeavor to lighten my recipes while still retaining great taste, baked goods are still indulgences that probably shouldn't be consumed quite so many times per week.

I thought about a nice bubble bath with wine, but once again painful reality intruded. It is so un-glorious I hesitate to mention it, but we are re-doing the caulking in our bathtub. Sigh. So that was out too.

In the end my ever charming husband came through with flying colors. He prepared tilapia fillets in a sort of Carolina style BBQ (vinegar, no tomatoes) with seasoning and carmelized tart apples. It was nothing short of divine. In between forkfuls I eagerly stoked his ego, although judging from the satisfied look on his face, he already knew he was hot stuff. He served the tilapia with a light side of steamed broccoli with lemon juice and sea salt. It was lip-smacking divine, full of flavor, and easy on the waist line.

After dinner we curled up on the couch to watch a movie. It was such a wonderful homey way to celebrate the day that I nearly purred with satisfaction. With the celebratory portion well in hand, I decided to take a peek at my stats to see what the top content (by "pageviews," not my personal opinion) was for the first year of Skinny Gourmet...

(Photos to come but the editor has crashed on me one too many times)

Top Ten Recipes

Baked Potato Soup
Whole Wheat Pizza Crust
The Best Carrot Cake in Chicago
Vietnamese Pho Soup
Chilled Asparagus with Wasabi Dipping Sauce
Heart of Palm Amuse Bouche
Roasted Beet and Goat Cheese Bruschetta (with Dandelion Greens)
My Mother's Zucchini Bread
Asparagus and Blue Cheese Bruschetta
Aebleskivers (Danish Spherical Pancakes)

Top Essays

What is Food Porn?
Food Tricks for Stocking the Kitchen
My (Pre-Ghana) Must-Eat Countdown
Ten Mistakes New Herb Gardeners Make
The Caper Continues, Why the Rolled Angel Food Didn't Rock


  1. Happy anniversary. I only recently discovered your blog and look forward to browsing through the top content.

  2. Happy blogaversary! I absolutely adore your writing and your food.


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